Upper Leda Trail Day
Join the Atlanta Climbing Club for a work day at Upper Leda. Volunteers will help replace an old retaining wall – which will be hard work! But there are also some lighter duty tasks available such as picking up trash. We need lots of hands for this one! This project is the definition of many hands make light work.
Volunteers will be rewarded with Stone Fort/Leda punch passes and cold beverages.
Meet at the Stone Fort parking lot.
Please fill out the volunteer waiver here prior to the event.
Register for the Trail Day HERE
Questions? email kate@seclimbers.org
This event is part of our Trail Daze of Summer Series.
If you come to any 3 trail days all summer at any location you’ll be entered to win HUGE prizes at the End of Daze Party to celebrate all our hard trail work at the end of the summer.
The End of Daze celebration will be held on August 26th at On The Road And Off Headquarters in Chattanooga. Come enjoy some food and beverages and celebrate all the hard work you put in maintaining our crags!
Sweat it out. Earn rock karma. The climbing gods shall bestow all the sending power on you to redeem when temps lower once again.