Land Manager: Southeastern Climbers Coalition

Native Lands: Mvskoke (Muscogee / Creek)(from

Area Rep: Erick Barros,



Boat Rock is a small urban boulderfield located in southwest Atlanta, Georgia. Boat Rock has a long history of climbing and held one of the first bouldering competitions in the U.S. back in 1985. Names like Robyn Ebersfield, Ron Kauk, Bob Cormany, Curtis Glass, Shannon Stegg, Rich Gottlieb and Jerry Roberts ring throughout the nearly mile long stretch of egg shaped granite boulders. In the late 1990’s access to Boat Rock was threatened by an encroaching subdivision development. Local climbers, along with SCC, jumped into action to save this beloved boulder field. In 2005, SCC worked with the developer to purchase 7.8 acres, with another 4.5 acres donated by a climber.

Boat Rock is not only known for it’s unique granite boulders, but also as SCC’s first purchase and major acquisition project. Iconic photos of construction workers blowing up boulders while climbers scale rocks in the forefront have become a battlecry image for SCC, reminding us that access is not permanent, easy or cheap. Learn more about the geology and history of Boat Rock here.

In 2018, in an effort to curb vehicle break-in’s, SCC installed a gate and game cameras at the Boat Rock parking lot. Please lock the gate behind you when you enter and leave, and do not leave valuables in your car!

Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the gate code form.


Google Maps

What to Expect

The climbing at Boat Rock is exclusively granite bouldering–very technical and takes a great deal of balance and foot work. A miscue can cost you flesh or shoe rubber. But the rewards far outweigh the risk as this area will literally “blow open your bouldering pallette” and make you not only a better, but more humble, climber. There are lots of delicate slabs; but just when you think you’ve figured out Boat Rock, you come across a climb like the bulgey “Paint Can” which are sure to stretch your climbing imagination.

Access is offered in accordance with the Georgia Recreational Use Statute (Georgia Code 51-3-22 et seq.).  If you choose to enter this area you are voluntarily choosing to assume all risk of personal injury and/or property loss. Numerous hazards exist on the property, some of which may not be obvious or apparent. These hazards include, but not limited to: steep open cliffs; slippery surfaces; steep and natural walkways, trails, and roadways; loose unstable rocks; falling objects; the possible failure of fixed climbing anchors; and the conduct of other users.

Access notes

  • All visitors must submit a gate code & responsibility form.
  • DO NOT PARK IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD. You will be towed.
  • Do not leave valuables in vehicles.
  • Respect our neighbors: drive slowly and keep noise to a minimum.
  • Dogs: Dogs are welcome, but please keep them on a leash.
  • Leave No Trace: Keep this area beautiful and clean. Clean up after yourselves, your peers, and your pets. Lead by example and pick it up on the first pass.
  • For your own safety, please leave the boulder field by dark.
  • No overnight parking.


No camping at Boat Rock


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